Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prot Paladin Vs. AQ40

So my friend on Nazjatar named Brandon tried running my 60 Undead Warrior through old AQ40, thus posing the challenge; Protection Paladin in 25-man Naxx gear Vs. AQ40. I won't bother giving a drawn out lesson about this subject and just be straight forward. We got owned. We got owned pretty bad. Now if he had been Holy we'd have had a chance. But Prot? Nope, just didn't work. He went OOM in 12 seconds, then HoP and sent aggro to my warrior. I was roflstomped...

I have to admit though, it was pretty funny. A bit frustrating, but very funny.

Well, this was last Sunday, and the only reason I'm posting for the THIRD time today is because WoW's new patch (3.1.12) is literally taking an hour to go from 71%-79%. Fuck my life, right?

-Marshall, Champion of the Lazy Gamers