Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson, rest in peace.

Today we've lost a great artist from the world. He was Michael Jackson, I don't feel the need to go in depth of his accomplishments, as everyone knew who he was. His music was great, and he had a style all his own. He died of a heart attack at the age of 50.

Rest in peace, Michael Jackson, the world will miss you.

The picture I made myself on MS Paint. I thought a few people would like it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Ultimate World Raid, Of Ultimate PvP

Well, Chris and I are finished with the recording of our parody song to the Ultimate Showdown.

It's named The Ultimate World Raid. The video production is under way and can be expected within a month.

Please stay tuned for the video, it will be simultaneously released here and on our joint Youtube account named "ROFLSTOMPstudios"

Subscribe if you'd like.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Geh, I need more free time...

Well my friend, Chris, and myself are in the works of creating our own parody to the song/video Ultimate Showdown using World of Warcraft.

Unfortunately I've had so little spare time I have been able to keep current with these blogs, so bare with me.

Stay tuned for a better blog.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Trying some graphics design...

Well today was my sister's High School graduation party, so I've been on my computer basically avoiding everyone. Big surprise? No? Whatever.

While I've been down here I've gotten bored, naturally, since levelling gets dull considering I hate WotLK and BC. So I tried making myself a custom signature for a WoW forums. It just happens this forum is for VCN Elite, a WoW private server I used to play on a while back. Though, now I never get on there server I do frequent there forums. On there I'm named Lockyoudown and here's the sig I made. I'm new to graphics design, seriously this is my first one so please don't hate on it. Any suggestions are appreciated and can be emailed to

On this forum/server I played a Warlock named Lockyoudown, and played it and socially interracted with with other players in a fashion that made many people consider me the super bad ass for a while until I quit, I'm not sure why, but they did. So eventually I gave myself the self-appointed title of "Lockyoudown, the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse," which originally spawned off of an inside joke between me and some buddies in real life where apparently I am the retarded 5th horseman of the apocalypse that hits people with one of those rubber balloon hammers you get at carnivals. And apparently being struck by my balloon hammer causes you to melt. :D

So, yeah, that's the story behind why I have the 4 horses of the apocalypse as the theme to this signature.

Please give me any feedback, constructive criticism is appreciated, ass-holish comments are not.

Programs Used:
Macromedia Flash 8

Friday, May 22, 2009


O Rly???

Trade Channel...

Does anyone else miss the old days when the Trade Channel would actually have stuff being traded in it? I do. I remember it well...

A few long years ago if anyone said anything irrelevant/random in Trade they'd be bitched at and told to go to Barrens. Now when someone actually says "WTS [Blinkstrike] pst!" everyone tells them, "Fuck off, you interrupted my string of Chuck Norris jokes!"

I really wish somehow we could take back Trade Channel away from the immature 12 year olds of the game. Get back to doing business there, rather than letting auctions go on their own at the AH to find we didn't get the amount of gold we should have. It's the immature players faults, and we need to somehow get them away. Make a new custom channel named "Trade" except with an accent mark over a letter that's barely noticable, and tell every dumb ass spammer to go there instead. It's an impossible task, really, but I just wish it wasn't such a naive hope.

Let's take /2 back! Take it back! Take it back!


Man, I sound kind of like Hitler, blaming the immature players for money loss, and loss of satisfaction in the game...


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Holy Healadin, Batman!

So I was up all night last night healing through Drak'Tharon Keep, ya know? Kickin's ass, and taking names! So I'm still in my dreadfully makeshift Healadin set, including pieces of Mail and Leather. My +Healing sucks hard, but I can get the 8k noncrit Holy Lights. They're adequate for a shit-for-gear level 75 Holy Paladin. Unfortunately in all 6 runs I didn't get a single plate drop. Fuck my life, right? I suppose better luck tonight once I get home from school.

By the way, I got a name change on my Paladin. It's new name is "Thehealadin." Feel free to search for it on on the realm Spinebreaker.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

From Mrs. DuFrenne's Class >.<

Well I'm at 1st Block and already going nuts here i n Mrs. Dufrenne's class, I'm a little aggrovated, so if it shows up here I'm sorry.

Alright, last night I levelled my Human paladin to 75! W00t!!! I respecced him Holy, and bought alot of Holy BoE gear, mixed with a few pieces of good quest gear. So I've got my make shift holy set, and I will level with it to 77-78, or until I've built a successful Holy set AND a good Ret set. Then I'll buy dual spec and set it for Holy (for raids and PvP), and Retribution (For World PvP situations, and for general PvE)

So wish me luck, the instance grinding starts tonight...

-Marshall, Champion of the Lazy Gamers

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prot Paladin Vs. AQ40

So my friend on Nazjatar named Brandon tried running my 60 Undead Warrior through old AQ40, thus posing the challenge; Protection Paladin in 25-man Naxx gear Vs. AQ40. I won't bother giving a drawn out lesson about this subject and just be straight forward. We got owned. We got owned pretty bad. Now if he had been Holy we'd have had a chance. But Prot? Nope, just didn't work. He went OOM in 12 seconds, then HoP and sent aggro to my warrior. I was roflstomped...

I have to admit though, it was pretty funny. A bit frustrating, but very funny.

Well, this was last Sunday, and the only reason I'm posting for the THIRD time today is because WoW's new patch (3.1.12) is literally taking an hour to go from 71%-79%. Fuck my life, right?

-Marshall, Champion of the Lazy Gamers